¿Do you know it?
This section of the PR-TF 70 starts at the car park of the Juan
Évora Ethnographic Museum, in Boca Tauce. However, it
can also be accessed from the Narices del Teide viewpoint.
This trail leads to the Chasogo mountain shelter and the fi rst
section coincides with path number 18 of the Teide National
Park path network. At the start we will pass through a sector
of volcanic badlands where we can observe interesting volcanic
morphologies. All along the path, embedded in the edges
of eroded volcanic fl ows, we will see beehives in disuse and
an interesting former threshing fl oor built on pahoehoe lava,
known as the Era de la Fajana de Charagueche.
Following the path, we will leave the volcanic badlands behind
as we enter a pine forest through a narrower stretch of path
called Paso de Charagueche. We will continue walking down
a hill, where the main vegetation is Canaries pine, until we
reach an opening beside a ravine called Era de Cho Juan de
Chío or Era de los Guanches.
After crossing this area, the path continues to descend until
it meets an old track, which we will follow until we reach the
side of the Chasogo Mountain. Here we will fi nd the mountain
shelter and the path comes to an end.
This path can be followed from the car park of the Juan Évora
Ethnographic Museum in Boca Tauce, or from the Narices del
Teide viewpoint.